From October 3 to 5 was dockercon 23. It has been my first Dockercon in person! And what an adventure!

dockercon sign

I joined Docker Inc. in August 2019. A bit more than four years ago. (I was thinking to write a blog post on that, but still not done…) Anyway, the thing is I joined the company at a special moment:

  • after the 2019 Dockercon
  • just before the 2019 split
  • before covid and transforming the company to a full remote one

We continue to have some Dockercon edition, but online.

giant moby

And for this first live Dockercon for me, it has been quite intense:

You can find on these pages the details about the talks, and their recording.

Even if I already spoke at some events, this Dockercon was quite challenging. First because it’s Dockercon. I learned so much by watching Dockercon than to participate to it is intimidating. And it was also for me the first time I was doing talks in English. And that’s not a small step, especially for some introvert like me.

But it’s done, I’m so happy about that, and I hope I helped people to learn more about Docker, images, and the new cool product we are building.

Moby lego